Vintage top, American Apparel skirt, Urban Outfitters handbag, Sports Girl round sunglasses, Rubi shoes, Heart Shaped Sunglasses are from a street vendor in Paris, but if you're not likely to go there any time soon and can't wait to get your hands on a pair I found them here
Yes, that is me, doing twirls and holding yellow flowers. But that's what Valentine's Day themed posts are all about, right? There's no other time of year I could hold a yellow flower and smile for no reason and not get mocked for it. (Even though I silently mocked myself as I uploaded it). But where would the world be without some seriously vintage looking instagram shots of girls holding flowers? I'm just doing my part.
Whether or not you have a date for Valentine's Day doesn't mean you shouldn't still dress up, put on your best love heart paraphernalia and dance in the rising tide. Or you know, something that sounds a little less lame, like drink tea. Or go shopping. It's the perfect excuse to wear that amazing outfit you put together last week that nobody saw because the only thing you ended up doing was watching TV and eating toast in your lounge room. (Don't pretend this hasn't happened to you... multiple times).
Personally, I had a great Valentine's Day, involving tea, final catch ups before long trips, Denzel Washington, candy striped cupcakes and beaches. What did you guys get up to?
M x
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